Plan. Prepare. Stay Aware.

The geography, weather patterns and number of Wildland Urban Interface communities in California make it a state particularly threatened by devastating wildfire. As catastrophic wildfires continue to increase each year in California, make sure to protect yourself and your family – plan, prepare and stay aware. Property owners and residents in areas most at risk are encouraged to take the steps in CAL FIRE “Ready, Set, Go!” to be ready for wildfire.

Create and maintain defensible space and harden your home against flying embers.

Prepare your family and home ahead of time for the possibility of having to evacuate. Ensure you have a plan of what to take and where to go. Ask friends or relatives outside your area if you would be able to stay with them, should the need arise. Check with hotels, motels and campgrounds to learn if they are open.

When wildfire strikes, go early for your safety. Take the evacuation steps necessary to give your family and home the best chance of surviving a wildfire.

Get Ready.

Being Ready for wildfire starts with maintaining an adequate defensible space and by hardening your home by using fire resistant building materials. Defensible space is the buffer you create by removing dead plants, grass and weeds. This buffer helps to keep the fire away from your home. Hardening your home means using construction materials that can help your home withstand flying embers finding weak spots in the construction, which can result in your house catching fire. It takes the combination of both Defensible space and the hardening of your home to really give your house the best chance of surviving a wildfire.

Get Set.

Before wildfire strikes, it is important that you get Set. Prepare yourself and your home for the possibility of having to evacuate. Getting set requires three main preparation actions that should be completed and familiar to all members of your household long in advance of a wildfire.

Three steps to getting set:

  1. Create a Wildfire Action Plan that includes evacuation planning for your home, family and pets.
  2. Assemble an Emergency Supply Kit for each person in your household.
  3. Fill-out a Family Communication Plan that includes important evacuation and contact information.


Give your household the best chance of surviving a wildfire by being ready to go and evacuating early. Being ready to go also means knowing when to evacuate and what to do if you become trapped.

  1. Review your family’s Wildfire Action Plan. Being ready to go also means knowing when to evacuate and what to do if you become trapped.
  2. Complete the pre-evacuation preparation steps (only if time allows) to increase your home’s defense.
  3. Make sure you monitor wildfires in your area and know your community’s emergency response plan, evacuation orders and evacuation centers.
  1. Review your Evacuation Plan Checklist.
  2. Ensure your Emergency Supply Kit/Evacuation Bag is in your vehicle.
  3. Cover-up to protect against heat and flying embers. Wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, heavy shoes/boots, cap, dry bandanna for face cover, goggles or glasses. 100% cotton is preferable.
  4. Locate your pets and take them with you.